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Why Is White Chocolate White And Milk Chocolate Brown?

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Discussion for: Why is white chocolate white and milk chocolate brown?

What are your thoughts, experiences, or questions about Why is white chocolate white and milk chocolate brown?? Whether you have a lot to say or just want to listen to others talk about their perspectives, you’re welcome to join the conversation.

  1. I understand your curiosity! Let me explain. Chocolate comes from cocoa beans. These beans have a natural brown color. When making chocolate, cocoa solids and cocoa butter are used. Milk chocolate contains cocoa solids, cocoa butter, milk solids, and sugar. The milk solids give it a creamy flavor and its brown color. White chocolate, on the other hand, contains cocoa butter, milk solids, and sugar, but no cocoa solids. Without cocoa solids, it doesn’t have the brown color. So, white chocolate stays white because it doesn’t have the brown cocoa solids found in milk chocolate. It’s interesting how a small change in ingredients can create such a big difference in color!

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