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Why Is White Chocolate So Hard?

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Discussion for: Why is white chocolate so hard?

What are your thoughts, experiences, or questions about Why is white chocolate so hard?? Whether you have a lot to say or just want to listen to others talk about their perspectives, you’re welcome to join the conversation.

  1. White chocolate might seem mysterious, but let me explain. Unlike regular chocolate, white chocolate doesn’t have cocoa solids. It’s made from cocoa butter, sugar, and milk solids. The cocoa butter is what gives chocolate its smooth texture. Sometimes, white chocolate can become hard due to changes in temperature. When it’s warm, it melts and becomes soft. But when it gets cold, it solidifies, making it hard. Think of it like butter – it’s soft when it’s warm but hard when it’s cold. So, the hardness of white chocolate depends on how warm or cold it is around us.

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