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Why Is White Chocolate Not Technically Chocolate?

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Discussion for: Why is white chocolate not technically chocolate?

What are your thoughts, experiences, or questions about Why is white chocolate not technically chocolate?? Whether you have a lot to say or just want to listen to others talk about their perspectives, you’re welcome to join the conversation.

  1. You know, I used to wonder about that too! White chocolate isn’t exactly like dark or milk chocolate because it doesn’t contain cocoa solids, which are the parts of cocoa beans that give chocolate its brown color and chocolatey flavor. Instead, white chocolate is made from cocoa butter, milk solids, and sugar. Cocoa butter is the fat extracted from cocoa beans. So, without those cocoa solids, white chocolate lacks the characteristic taste and color of regular chocolate. That’s why some people say it’s not technically chocolate. It’s still delicious, though, just in a different way! I hope that explanation makes it clearer for you.

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