1. I think lummine is the 3rd descender before leaving teyvat she erased her from irmensoul that she was the 3rd descender and erased paimons memory to that she was also with Lummine
    And Zhongli once said he did a contract with lummine to not to tell anyone
    Then Lummine thrown paimon Infront of aether in the ocean
    (: what do u guys think(:

  2. Going by the same Western sources the demonic Archon names come from (Paimon is one of such names), a "Throne" is a class of Angel known as Ophanim, which would technically place the Heavenly Principles Goddess below the power of the Travelers, if they turn out to actually be Seraphim. Thanks for the theory, it's much cooler to think of the Traveler as a kind of Fallen Angel!

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