ULTIMATE Mualani Guide! [Best Weapons, Artifacts, Teams, and MORE] Genshin Impact 5.0

In this video, we go over everything you need to know, including her kit, weapons, artifacts, constellations, teams, and MORE to build your Mualani properly to prepare her to output terrible terrible damage!

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0:00 | Intro and Overview
1:04 | Basic Attack
1:23 | Elemental Skill
5:37 | Elemental Burst
6:30 | Talent Priority
6:38 | Mainstats and Substats
7:54 | Artifacts
8:50 | Weapons
11:58 | Constellations
13:33 | Teams
16:08 | Closing Statements

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  1. I just did YOLO pull on the weapon's banner to see if I could at last get Kazuha's signature… nope… got the W-Engine xD
    I have guaranteed, 67 pity with 28 saved pulls and I'm not sure if I should pull for Mualani since she's the cutest character that the game has produced after Furina (at least for me)… but the Pyro Archon is like what…. 1 or 2 patches away? :S What should I do?! D= I have all the previous archons and are now wondering if I should pull for Mualani and hope for the best when the Archon's banner is launched… or just save for the Archon and wait for Mualani's re-run xD

  2. Can anyone explain why is Floating dreams seen that good? From all the other testers i saw it does not surpass Ring of Yaxche when its R1..i mean imagine r5 ring of yaxche..

    Most tests i saw class them like this.
    Surf Up r1
    Ring of Yaxche r5
    Widsth r5
    Tome r1
    Sacrificial jade r5
    Floating dreams r1
    Prototype ember.

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