1. Scaramouche is voiced by Lu Yin (who also voices Aether) in Chinese, by Patrick Pedraza in English, and by Tetsuya Kakihara in Japanese. Kakihara has also voiced Natsu Dragneel and E.N.D. in Fairy Tail and Prompto Argentum in Final Fantasy XV.

  2. The best cutscene in this fight is the one where you see everyone trying to help you fight him. You see the citizens getting the question from nahida through the akasha and sumeru feels united for the first time since king deshret’s death

  3. I hated this part. He worked so hard to get himself to a point that he found his life had purpose and a reason to live. He simply wanted to replace his emotions with power to block out the pain of losing people he cared for. When he finally achieved his life long goal, we take it from him.

    I also always find it interesting that he says "A conversation between gods." If you think about it, Aether and Lumine are both gods in their right. They've traveled from world to world and witnessed many of their friends dying. They're over thousands of years old with great power and wisdom. Scaramoche said he wanted to fight a god, so he did, the traveler. Sure we weren't the god he expected to fight, but he fought one none the less.
    When his Gnosis was taken from him though, my heart broke.

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