Best team comp for abyss floor 12 with Raiden Shogun?

Raiden Shogun excels in electro-charged and hypercarry teams. Consider pairing her with Hydro, Electro, and Cryo characters for optimal synergy.

A Powerful Team for Floor 12: Raiden Shogun and Friends

Floor 12 of the Abyss is a challenge for even the most experienced Travelers, and having a strong team composition is essential. Raiden Shogun is a powerhouse, and with the right teammates, she can be a dominating force. Let’s explore some strong team compositions for Floor 12 that feature our Electro Archon.

The Key to Success: Synergy and Coverage

The core idea is to create a team that excels at both dealing damage and surviving. We need to consider:

  • Elemental Reactions: Raiden Shogun excels at triggering Electro-Charged and Superconduct reactions, but she can also benefit from Vaporize (with a Hydro character) or Overloaded (with a Pyro character).
  • Energy Recharge: Raiden Shogun needs Energy Recharge to fuel her burst, so ensure your team can provide enough energy for her.
  • Support and Defense: You’ll need strong support characters to buff your team and keep everyone alive, especially in the tougher challenges of Floor 12.

Team Composition 1: The Electro-Charged Dominance

Raiden Shogun (Electro): The star of the show, her burst is a game-changer.
Yae Miko (Electro): Provides consistent Electro damage and energy for Raiden Shogun.
Xingqiu (Hydro): Provides Hydro application for Electro-Charged reactions and healing.
Bennett (Pyro): Provides massive damage boosts and healing.

This team is designed to dominate with Electro-Charged reactions. Yae Miko’s totems and Xingqiu’s swords create a field of Electro and Hydro, triggering the reaction. Raiden Shogun’s burst amplifies the damage and energy recharge of all your Electro characters. Bennett’s burst adds even more damage and healing, making this team incredibly powerful and sustainable.

Team Composition 2: The Superconduct & Vaporize Combo

Raiden Shogun (Electro): The core of our team, she provides Electro damage and burst support.
Kamisato Ayaka (Cryo): Her Cryo application triggers Superconduct reactions and provides high damage output.
Sangonomiya Kokomi (Hydro): Provides consistent Hydro application for Vaporize reactions and healing.
Kazuha (Anemo): Provides crowd control, damage buffs, and element gathering for stronger reactions.

This team utilizes the strengths of both Superconduct and Vaporize reactions. Kamisato Ayaka’s Cryo attacks will trigger Superconduct with Raiden Shogun, reducing enemy defense. Kokomi’s Hydro will then create Vaporize reactions with Raiden Shogun’s Electro attacks, maximizing damage potential. Kazuha helps gather enemies and boost all damage with his Elemental Mastery.

Team Composition 3: The Hypercarry Team

Raiden Shogun (Electro): Your main damage dealer, her burst boosts the team’s attack.
Fischl (Electro): Provides consistent Electro damage and energy for Raiden Shogun.
Sucrose (Anemo): Provides crowd control, buffs, and elemental gathering.
Diona (Cryo): Provides shields, healing, and Cryo application for Superconduct.

This team focuses on Raiden Shogun as the primary damage dealer. Fischl’s Oz provides constant Electro application for Superconduct. Sucrose pulls enemies together for easier damage and buffs the team’s Elemental Mastery. Diona shields the team and provides healing, while her Cryo application strengthens the Superconduct reactions.

Adapting to the Challenges

These are just starting points! Don’t be afraid to experiment and try different team compositions. You can swap characters based on the specific enemies you’re facing on Floor 12.

For example, if you encounter a lot of Geo enemies, you might consider bringing a character like Noelle or Itto for their Geo resonance.

Remember, success comes from understanding your characters, their strengths, and how they work together! By carefully crafting your team and mastering their synergy, you’ll be well on your way to conquering Floor 12 with Raiden Shogun!

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