Best artifacts for DPS Hu Tao with Crimson Witch set?

For optimal DPS, prioritize HP%, Pyro DMG%, and Crit Rate/DMG on your Crimson Witch set.

Building Hu Tao for Maximum Damage: The Best Crimson Witch Artifacts

Hu Tao is a powerful Pyro character known for her high damage output and unique gameplay. She thrives with the Crimson Witch of Flames artifact set, which boosts both Pyro damage and Vaporize reactions. Here’s a guide on finding the best artifacts to equip her for maximum damage!

The Core: Crimson Witch of Flames

As mentioned, Crimson Witch is the cornerstone of Hu Tao’s build. Aim for a 2-piece and 2-piece combination for a 15% Pyro damage bonus and a 15% increase in your charged attack damage. This set synergizes beautifully with Hu Tao’s gameplay, enhancing her core strengths.

Prioritizing Stats

Hu Tao’s damage comes from her charged attacks, so here’s how to prioritize your stats:

  • HP%: This is your top priority! Hu Tao’s charged attack damage scales off her Max HP, so the higher her HP, the more damage she deals. Aim for as much HP% as you can on your artifacts!
  • Pyro Damage Bonus: This is your second priority, as it directly increases her Pyro damage output. Every percentage point counts!
  • Critical Rate and Critical Damage: These are essential for amplifying your damage potential. Aim for a good balance between the two. A 1:2 ratio (1% Crit Rate: 2% Crit Damage) is a good goal, but you can deviate slightly depending on your other stats.
  • Energy Recharge: Hu Tao is a battery character, meaning she can replenish her energy for her team. A good amount of Energy Recharge will help her burst be ready when you need it.

Substats to Watch For

While main stats are important, substats are where you can really shine. Here’s what to look for:

  • HP%: A consistent source of HP% on substats will contribute significantly to your damage.
  • Crit Rate/Crit Damage: These stats are always valuable, and a good substat roll can make a big difference.
  • Pyro Damage Bonus: Similar to crit, this is a great substat to see, especially if you’re lacking in main stat Pyro Damage Bonus.
  • Attack%: While less important than HP%, a decent amount of Attack% will contribute to your overall damage output.

Artifact Farming

You can farm the Crimson Witch of Flames set in the Domain of Guyun located in Liyue. It’s a tough domain with many enemies, so be prepared! Remember, getting perfect artifacts is a long process, so don’t get discouraged if you don’t get them immediately.

The Importance of HP%

It’s worth repeating: HP% is crucial for Hu Tao. Don’t sacrifice a good HP% piece for a slightly higher crit rate or damage substat. The difference in HP% will dramatically impact her damage output.

Don’t Forget the Weapon

While artifacts are important, your weapon plays a significant role in Hu Tao’s damage. Some popular choices include:

  • Staff of Homa: This weapon is designed specifically for Hu Tao and provides a significant boost to her HP and attack.
  • Dragon’s Bane: If you need a bit more energy recharge, Dragon’s Bane is a good choice.
  • Primordial Jade Winged Spear: This weapon provides a good balance of stats, including crit rate and attack.

Optimize, Experiment, and Enjoy!

Building Hu Tao is a journey, not a destination. Keep experimenting with different artifacts and weapons to find what works best for your playstyle. With the right build, Hu Tao can become a truly powerful and satisfying character to play!

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